Home Comforts
Home comforts are quietly wonderful, but why do we search for things to put in our homes? Why is it so important that we can surround ourselves with things we value and cherish? Do we do this for ourselves or for others?
Almost everyone does this. No matter how big or small a dwelling, no matter where it is and in what part of the world, no matter our cultural background. And we have done this for millennia. No matter whether you live in a boat, an apartment, a house, castle or tent. You will fill it with things that you feel you need. To make home life more comfortable, intimate and safe.
The search is on
So it is clear that seeking out objects for where we live is a typically human activity. We have always done it and likely always will. But we rarely ever stop, the search for perfection goes on through the years, as we refine and replace. Sometimes because things get broken, sometimes because they were a compromise, sometimes because we come across something better than we could ever have imagined.
Beyond your imagination
Perhaps there is no more important an event for your home than when you come across a new thing. Something you could not have dreamt you would need, because you didn’t know it existed or could even be made. But it fits like a glove, and like a glove it is unique because one size doesn’t fit all. What you may love, others could hate. But you don’t care what others think, because it is right for you. Because you draw comfort from it.
With the right things in it, a home acquires a new dimension. It is no longer just a shelter from the rigours of nature, it also looks after your soul.
Because a home comforts.