Cabinets of Curiosity
Featuring Artists
Erik Hoedemakers
Wilfred Kalf
Gerard Scanlan
Rob van Avesaath
Annette Koehnen
Peter Deij
Maartje van Deursen
Frida van der Poel
Sergej Kirilov
Ward Wijnant
Chris Ruhe
Tim Van Caubergh
Gijs Kuijpers
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Designer Makers Present
Cabinets of Curiosity
Featuring Artists
Erik Hoedemakers
Wilfred Kalf
Gerard Scanlan
Rob van Avesaath
Annette Koehnen
Peter Deij
Maartje van Deursen
Frida van der Poel
Sergej Kirilov
Ward Wijnant
Chris Ruhe
Tim Van Caubergh
Gijs Kuijpers
Ye who hesitates is lost
How design began, an accidental journey
Well-trodden paths
The Trap of False Assumptions
Love is
Vexed Custodians
From start to finish
Edge of reason
Food for thought
Mother of Accident
Goldilocks zone
The sum of the parts
Sense of Touch
Cursed Creativity
Light and shade
Bargain hunting
Creature comforts?
Only Human
Home comforts
Honesty the best Policy
Generous generations
Light Shade
Creating confusion
If not us, then who?
Buzz Feed
Permit me a dalliance
Framing Delights
Necessity by design
Dirty Business
Spoilt for Choice
Cutting Corners
Avoiding buyer’s remorse
Did Plato prefer artisans to artists?
Imagine, just imagine
Interior Design
Helicopter view
Realities past, realities future
Hand on Heart
Ring True
When trust rules
For better for worse
Rock Solid
Meeting Designer-Makers
Good Times
Stored solar energy
Super Interconnectivity
The Key to our civilisation
Design Copyright
Tricky light
Disappearing design narratives
Windows of your soul
Dress rehearsal
Living Longer
Blind spot
Wasting resources
Life’s a lottery
As unique as unicorns
Simple Stupid
Rarer than diamonds
Just right
Are you a puppet?
Virtually Reality
You stop and stare
Added value sculpture
Trusting your nose
Models & Design
Unwritten law
Learning by mistake
Pay a compliment
Cave sense
Thought police
Reflection on Perfection
Fantastic plastic
Paying the price for waste.
Cradle to Cradle or Myth to Legend
Stop buying rubbish.
The self-portrait
An Eye for Quality
Ergonomics rule
Homeless art
Professional or knack
Neither use nor ornament
It started with a treat, time for another?
Secret compartments
Can’t see the wood for the trees
Mass manufacturing
Don’t like plywood, not even mock stuff?
Intrinsic value
Is it easier to kick a habit or an addiction?