Future Happiness

Work by Gerard Scanlan Box 25cm x 6.5 cm wenge, holly and glass lens

Is every investment we make focused on securing future happiness? And is that happiness really going to wait for us? Will it still be there when we arrive in the future? Perhaps it will depend on the kind of happiness we have in our sights. Some people starve themselves of happiness, saving it up, promising that one day they will indulge in it. But will they start in time?


You can also invest in happiness that is with you every day. Happiness in the here and now and in the future too. You can find happiness in a piece of art.

Work by Gerard Scanlan Box 25cm x 6.5 cm wenge, holly and glass lens

When buying a piece of art, you are first and foremost investing in the here and now. Making your immediate environment more pleasant to be in. Drawing inspiration from the visualization of an aspect of our human condition an artist has captured. But investing in your immediate happiness keeps you on track for more in the future. 



If you are happy in the here and now, you will want to stay that way in the future. So it makes sense that you will take the right decisions for you to secure that. Buying wonderful art ensures your prolonged engagement with your need for feeling alive and staying connected. Great art does not become obsolete in the way that technologies and devices do. A work of art is a magical thing, as it triggers your happiness day after day for literally decades. Something to treasure for your entire life and – after you have gone – the happiness will still be there in the hands of the following generation. Guarding their future happiness


Cabinets of Curiosity

We are curious makers of things, things we dream up ourselves. Remarkable, useful, beautiful and original things. Sometimes they are made entirely by hand, sometimes partly by machine, in the future perhaps by robots. May be not robots. Always with an eye for detail and with an element of fun.

If you care to follow this blog and join our journey, we’ll share our successes and (occasional) failures with you and hopefully you’ll become a frequent visitor. Suppose that depends on us keeping you entertained. So let’s get on with the words and pictures.

Work in progress


© Gerard Scanlan and Cabinetsof Curiosity.eu, 2015 -2019. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Gerard Scanlan and CabinetsofCuriosity.eu with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.